The biodiversity of three different (tree) species can be compared to each other.

The color of a country indicates if it hosts 0, 1, 2 or all 3 species.

The biodiversity of a chosen country A can be compared to all other countries B1,...,Bn.
When a country A is selected, a bar chart pops up for each other country B.

The orange bar tells how many tree species are prevalent in the chosen country A but not in country B.
The green bar in the center tells how many tree species are prevalent in both countries.
The purple bar tells the amount of tree species prevalent in country B but not in A.

The color of a country indicates the similarity of the biodiversity of countries A and B.
The Jaccard Map colors the map following the formula: A∩B / A∪B
The intersection map colors the map following the formula: A∩B / A.

The map shows the threat status of species by country. First of all, the scope can be chosen, e.g., only "Global" assessments.

The color of a country indicates the amount of assessments made for the prevalent species.
Green means a high percentage of species have been assessed, red means for many species an assessment is missing.

For each country, a bar chart is shown that shows detailed assessment numbers.

The map can be colored according to three different aspects:

1. Frequency map: Frequency of tree species prevalent in a country is mapped to saturation of the red color.
The more saturated, the more species in a country.

2. Uniqueness map: The number of tree species prevalent only in one country is mapped to saturation of the red color.
The more saturated, the more species a country has that are only prevalent there.

3. Diversity map: The global diversity of the different sets of species among countries is mapped to color.
The more different the colors of countries, the more different their prevalent tree species are.

NOTE: By clicking countries, a subset of countries can be assembled. E.g. all south-american countries can be clicked.
Then, after clicking the 'Reload Map!'-Button, the map is re-colored only on the subset of clicked countries.
This functionality is considered most valuable for the Diversity Map.